Mi niña bella Feliz de comenzar su nueva etapa de Home school lista para su nueva experiencia de regreso a clases, nos fuimos de compra a la tienda de Kohls https://www.kohls.com/ alli pudimos encontrarlo todo, tenian muchisimas ofertas, muy buenos precios, y sobre todo $10 cash de reward por las compras que hicimos. por aca les comparto las fotos y de los #outfits que Sophia escogio, incluyendo la mochila. Sobre todo el divertido dia que compartimos como madre e hija de compras para su regreso a clases.
My beautiful girl Happy to start her new stage of Home school ready for her new experience back to school, we went shopping at Kohls store https://www.kohls.com/ there we could find everything, they had many offers, Very good prices, and above all $ 10 cash reward for the purchases we made. here I share the photos and the #outfits that Sophia chose, including the backpack. Especially the fun day we share as a mother and daughter shopping for their return to school.
#contest #kohlscash #kohlsxinfluenster #ad @kohls @influenster .
#backtoschoolshopping #influenster #microblogger